Creativity: Think Tank/Symposiums
Welcome to INGENIUMCreatives
May 21- 23, 2023
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Ballrooms
Our Mission
INGENIUMCreatives is a Creativity: Think Tank and Symposium. We are an annual forum/symposium for open presentations, think tanks, round tables, impromptu break-out sessions, panels, improvisations, workshops, contemporary critical research discussions, and varied theoretical reflections on the Creative Practice.
We celebrate divergent thinkers and seek to provide and promote a space where useful ideas, solutions, and collaborations within a global audience will flourish. We intend to advance the cultural and practical landscape of Creatives in all disciplines of Industry, Science, Communication, and Art and to help tackle the newest frontiers of ingenuity and ethics.
We invite our Global communities to come together to participate in a shared dialogue that is inclusive, that is expansive, and that is relevant for our time. We purport to impact the future through our present focus on “possibility thinking” and scrutinizing the origins, nature, cultivation, importance, and preservation of creativity.
Featured Partnership
"Tradition Innovations in Arts, Design, and Media Higher Education" is a new peer-reviewed open access eJournal—collaboratively brought to life by the international Alliance for the Arts Research Universities (a2ru) network, and a2ru member UNLV—provides a multimedia forum to address this and connected questions by exploring how creative work, teaching/mentoring, and knowledge creation/research are linked and in conversation with one another.